Sitting above the track with a resplendent panorama of the San Gabriel Mountains as the backdrop, the FrontRunner truly leaves guests on top of the racing world.
The FrontRunner is a full-service restaurant. Each table includes a personal TV. A reserved seat in the FrontRunner is $20 on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holiday Mondays. ($25 for seats on the glass). Your $20 (or $25) reserved seat includes admission, a program, & general parking. Walk-up reserved seats are $10 ($15 for seats along the glass) does not include admission. Special pricing on premium days. $10 on Fridays and program is not included.
Explore your dining experience at The Great Place!
Silks is Santa Anita Park's veritable "best seat in the house". Combining the formal with the familiar-the decadent with the daily-Silks lets patrons experience open-air excitement of watching the races at a reserved table.
Order food & beverage on the mobile ordering app GoTab. Each table includes a personal TV. A reserved seat in Silks is $20 on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holiday Mondays. ($25 for seats in sections A, B, C, & D). Your $20 (or $25) reserved seat includes admission, a program, & general parking. Walk-up seats are $10 ($15 for seats in sections A, B, C, & D) does not include admission. Special pricing on premium days. SILKS is closed on Fridays and Holiday Mondays.
Located at the top of the stretch, on the far west side of the grandstand, Clockers' Corner patio combines a social atmosphere with the perfect spot to enjoy morning workouts.
A full breakfast menu is offered daily until 10:00 am.
Admission to Clockers' is free. You might even be able to sneak a peak of your favorite horsemen.